Half Hull Models

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Lido 14Lido 14Tartan 44

Sisu 30 MYCatalina 25, Cape Dory 28, O'Day JavelinCapri 25 J 24 Trophy Boards

Hobie 33Sabre36Beneteau 55 Oceanis

1965 Pearson 26 Commander2001 J1051985 O'Day 26

Tripp 40 WIRED1990 37' Deadrise2001 Catalina 250

X-37 BoondoggleJeanneau 469Harbor 20

Hylas 49 Hull #24Snipe Half Hull Harbor 20 Flying Cloud

J/35 J/124 Harbor 20

Blue Jay Dinghy 1984 C&C 41 1997 Catalina 380

Pacific 40 Trawler Etchells 30 Hunter 23

J40 Pearson 26 International Optimist Dinghy

Beneteau Oceanis 361 1986 Catalina 25 Capri 25

2000 Grand Banks 42Sabre 362

Rhodes 18 1989 Sabre 34 MK II 1978 Pearson 26

2003 Beneteau First 36.7Dufour 27Sonar 23

1966 Jonesport 331989 Paul Chapman 441976 Cal 25

1989 Sabre 38 MK II 1989 Norseman 400Mason 48 Custom

1973 Aloha 28 1983 Aloha 32Wesmac 38

1977 Gulf Star 50 Snipe / Lido 142008 Capri 22

2001 Catalina 390 1986 Catalina 25Nonsuch 36

Grand Banks Eastbay 43 Grand Banks 42 Classic MY 1989 Hunter Legend 40

Pearson 26 One Design 6 meter Racing Sloop Harbor 20

Hylas 49Beneteau 367Sabre 386

Nonsuch 301986 Cape Dory 36Pearson 30

1996 Gozzard 36Beneteau First 367Catalina 34

1988 Catalina 342004 Beneteau 36.7Island Packet 31

1995 Catalina 3201976 Cheoy Lee Clipper 421977 Cape Dory Typhoon

1976 Catalina 271989 Norseman 4001980 Pearson 365

1986 Pearson 28 2 Schock Harbor 20Finn Flyer 31

Island Trader 416 Meter Racing SloopSabre 402

Island Packet 311987 Cal 28Pacific Seacraft 40

Little River Marine Heritage 151985 Catalina 25Capri 25 Trophy

2 Paw 9 DinghyCatalina 27Montgomery 17

1988 Capri 221970 Island Packet 45Uniflite 31 Cruiser

Sabre 28Catalina 320 1978 Cal 25

Shark 24Niagara 26 Cabot 36

J35 Footloose Grand Banks EastBay 49 Soling 28 FIRE

WesMac 38 Trawler Sabre 38 MK II Grand Banks 49 Classic MY

Sabre 389 Saugeen Witch 38 Cutter Cheoy Lee Offshore 47

Sabre 362 Sea Ray 50 Schock 35

Catalina 30 2004 Capri 22 Lancer 27 Power Sailer

Shields 30 Copellia, Dancing Ledge Cutter Catalina 34

Eagle 40 Trawler Motor YachtPearson 26Hudson 32 Center Console

Pearson 26Cheoy Lee 38Viking 43 Sport Fish

Cheoy Lee 31 Offshore Ketch Cape Dory TyphoonCheoy Lee Clipper 42

Beneteau 351c&c 121Bayfield 29

Catalina 250Catalina 34Catalina 30

Northstar 5003 hullsEtchells 30

Ranger 23Soling 28Cal 39

American 26Cheoy Lee Clipper 33Cal 25

Menemsha 24Ray Richards Cheoy Lee 38Dufour 27

Olson 25Gulfstar 50 KetchCSS Alabama

Santa Cruz 70Islander 30Capri 25

Cape Dory Typhooncal 35Alden Half Hull

Pearson 30J35Shields 30 One Design

Cheoy Lee 36Sabre 38 MK IImason 44

Sabre 38 Half HullMarmalade

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